Like so many others, I have been watching Olympic events with great interest.
This piece just appeared on 8-10, and it's a solid examination by the folks at The Science of Us about the pressures on families, especially the parents, of world class athletes.
Check out this story. Mostly, I suggest you just click on this link and drink in the photo of the parents There, they also link to a piece on Buzzeed that has priceless pictures and little videos. The "bobbing and weaving image is particularly choice--and it moves. And weaves. And bobs.
Really, take a look. Sure, read the article at The Science of Us if you want, but I mostly want you to take in the pictures and little videos.
And then just imagine this caption to it all:
A picture of parents watching their emerging adult child's life play out in real time.
We are all Olympian parents now.