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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Help for Your Marriage

This list of resources has been as a downloadable link on the side (over there > > >) on my blog for years and I decided to make an entry out of it so that it's more accessible for people.

The list is necessarily limited. There are many other resources that many people have found helpful.  I am listing things what I believe may appeal to different segments of people who follow my work. That means listing some resources that are secular and others that are faith-based—and some that are in between.  Also, I only list books and web-based interventions and not countless other resources on the web (e.g., counseling centers, blogs, ministries). Look around to find what best meets your needs.

Disclosure: I am co-author or author of three of the books listed here and I am a partner in the company that publishes the online intervention ePREP listed below.

Books authored or co-authored by me and colleagues

Other great books (Alphabetical order, by author)

Web-based interventions for relationships

There is excellent research on ePREP and Our Relationship.

The Power of Two: An online alternative to marriage counseling